Welcome! You’re among friends!
We understand how daunting it can be to realize we are an alcoholic.
Where to go for help, what to do….
Alcoholics Anonymous is a program for a new way of life without alcohol.
If you feel that you are powerless over alcohol, and that life has become unmanageable, we can help.
There is a solution. We do this together!
AA Big Book
To read the AA Big Book, probably our most important piece of AA literature, click on the button
The 12 and 12
To read the Twelve Steps and 12 Traditions of AA and better understand our 12 Step program and how it works, click the button
AA Meetings form the center of our recovery. You can find our meeting schedule in the menu. We have a meeting specifically for beginners!
Sponsors & Sponsorship
Finding a Sponsor to help and guide you in AA can be crucial in recovery. Find a sponsor at a meeting and learn more about having one by clicking on the picture
Questions about AA?
We’re sure you’ll have plenty of questions about AA and what it’s all about! Click on the picture to learn more…..
Do I Really Need AA?
Do you need AA? Is it for you? We’ve all asked ourself this question at some point! Click on the picture and maybe you’ll find out…..
At Pride545 we primarily focus on AA within the LGBTQ community in our area. To learn more about our community within AA we have a useful pamphlet you might like to read. Click on the pic to read or download it!
Problems Other Than Alcohol
It’s true that many of us in AA also suffer from other addictions. Whilst our primary purpose is to help the suffering alcoholic we are very aware of the similarities in behaviors that addicts share and the different twelve step programs available to help those with cross-addictions. Take a look at what Bill Wilson, one of AA’s founders has to say….click on the pic to read more
Anonymity in AA
What is the purpose of anonymity in
Alcoholics Anonymous? Why is it often
referred to as the greatest single protection the Fellowship has to assure its continued existence and growth? At the personal level, anonymity provides protection for all members from identification as alcoholics, a safeguard often of special importance to newcomers. Click on the pic to read more…….