Pride 545 is a registered home group of Alcoholics Anonymous which is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking!

Unsure of what AA is? Want to learn more about real peoples’ experiences? Click on the AA icon to watch the video “Hope”……..

Meeting Schedule
Pride 545 meets daily at 5.45pm with a variety of meeting types and topics. Take a look and come and join us, we’d love to have you!

AA Resources
Click on the button to go to Broward County AA Intergroup where there is additional information and resources about AA in South Florida

Newcomers to AA
We understand how daunting it can be in early recovery BUT we’ve all been there! You’re not alone, to find out more click on the button

AA Big Book
To read the AA Big Book, probably our most important piece of AA literature, click on the button

The 12 and 12
To read the Twelve Steps and 12 Traditions of AA and better understand our 12 Step program and how it works, click the button

Living Sober
Read about the journey you can take with us to live sober in your daily life. Click on the button

Pride 545 Business Meeting… we hold our business meeting on the first Wednesday of every month right after our regular AA meeting. Please join us and share your thoughts to keep YOUR home group thriving!

At Pride545 we primarily focus on AA within the LGBTQ community in our area. To learn more about our community within AA we have a useful pamphlet you might like to read. Click on the pic to read or download it!

At Pride 545 we strongly believe in spreading the AA message and to that end we take a meeting into Broward House. If you would like to share your experience strength and hope and have at least one year of sobriety, click on the pic to sign up!